Hildegard of Bingen
On the Planets and
the Firmament
Hildegard of Bingen
On the Planets and the Firmament
Name: __________________

Latin Grammar

Sol uero et luna et ceteri planete non semper opera hominis ostendunt, sed raro. Et cum ipsi aliquid ostendunt, hoc magnum est et ad publicam rem pertinet. Quoniam summus planeta, qui oculus dicitur, et ille, qui proximus supra lunam est, qui dicitur pauper, in profunditate firmamenti uelud duo claui positi sunt et hominibus non apparent, nisi quod aliquando, cum nubes obnubilate sunt, uelud quidam fulgor ab eis in nubibus apparet, cum aliquid futurum esse presignant.

Identify the following words according to their use in the sentence in which they appear in the passage above.

    subject direct object object of a preposition indirect object objective infinitive
1. opera
2. aliquid
3. rem
4. planeta
5. lunam
6. profunditate
7. nubes
8. fulgor
9. eis
10. futurm esse

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