Hildegard of Bingen
On the Planets and
the Firmament
Hildegard of Bingen
On the Planets and the Firmament
Name: __________________

Latin Grammar: Verb Synopsis

Sed quod in sole aliqua signa interdum ostenduntur, hoc ideo euenit quod isti duo planete solem aggrediuntur, ita quod hoc modo signa in ipso fiunt, cum aliquid miraculi futurum erit. Ipsi uero planete non apparebunt, ita ut perfecte et pleniter uideantur, nisi ante diem iudicii. Et tunc splendorem suum de summo ad terram insolito emittunt, et per hoc sapientes hominesdiem iudicii appropinquare intelligent.

Complete the very synopsis for the following verbs from the passage above. Note the first-person forms and conjugation numbers.

ostendo (3)
evenio (4)
fio, fieri, factus sum
appareo (2)
video (2)

person number tense voice mood  
1. ostenduntur
2. evenit
3. fiunt
4. apparebuntur
5. videantur

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