William of Auvergne

Why There is No Singing in Heaven

Latin Grammar: Reading Comprehension

Habet autem quaestionem de choris, sive choreis, et gesticulationibus an in statu illo gloriae futuri sunt, et hanc quaestionem pro parte aggravant et difficiliorem faciunt sermones sapientium qui praecesserunt in gente Christianorum, qui hoc evidenter scripsisse inveniuntur. Ipsa quoque natura et naturalium experientia haec insinuare, immo etiam testari, videntur. In hoc enim statu ista modica gaudia quae in eo sunt homines non sustinent absque motu corporum suorum et pene singulorum membrorum; manifestum enim est tibi qualiter ex gaudio quod in anima tua fit, movetur os tuum, <et> motu qui risus vocatus est tota etiam tua facies immutatur.

Read the passage above and answer the questions below.

1. "...in statu illo gloriae..." (line 1 from the above passage) refers to--
  • a. the battlefield
  • b. the afterlife
  • c. an hypnotic trance
2. Whose writings "aggravate and make the question more difficult"?
  • a. the wise among the people of the Christians
  • b. those who make difficult sermons
  • c. those who find evidence
3. It seems to be human nature, when experiencing even modest joy to--
  • a. shout
  • b. sing
  • c. move your body
4. From the joy in your spirit---
  • a. your mouth is moved
  • b. you laugh
  • c. your face is changed
  • d. you call out
  • e. a, b & c
  • f. a, b & d

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